Rita Ponce de León

April 10, 2024 – May 18, 2024

In “Niño” Rita invites us to go beyond mere observation and become participants in a dialogue that blurs the boundaries between art and lived experience. The collected works are portals to a primordial connection with the world, accessible during our childhood, but alienated over the years as a product of rigid representations and ideologies. In dark and polarized times, the collective sharing of creation diminishes the perceived threat of our differences and reclaims joy not as an escape, but as a legitimate and more necessary affection than ever.

Florencia Portocarrero 


Gilda Mantilla
Diente de león

April 23, 2024 – May 30, 2024

Sueltas, contradictorias, borradas las líneas que las sostienen, desprendidas sus partes; estas imágenes, mitad dibujos, mitad pinturas, más bien ejercicios, juegos, retos y pasatiempos, se desarrollan a merced de lo cotidiano, de sus ritmos y recursos. Sin tiempo para hacer balances, buscan nuevos marcos de relaciones, como tratando de reconocerse en un espejo roto.

La clave puede estar a ras del suelo. Dientes de león, flores perennes, maleza, pequeños mundos hermafroditas y amarillos, en tránsito a convertirse en volátiles cipselas disparadas en todas direcciones, o flotando plácidamente; desapareciendo o aterrizando en algún ojo desprevenido…. prestas a morderlo.



Sandra Gamarra Heshiki
"Pinacoteca Migrante" at the Spanish Pavilion in the 60th Venice Biennale

April 20 – November 24, 2024

The artist Sandra Gamarra will occupy the Spanish Pavilion with her project “Pinacoteca Migrante / Migrant Art Gallery”. As the first migrant chosen to represent Spain, Gamarra sees the museum as a narrator of great stories, which utilizes representation methods understood as “universal”.

Accompanied by the curator Agustín Pérez Rubio, the artist will transform the Spanish Pavilion into a historic gallery of Western art where the notion of “migration”, in its many facets, will be the protagonist. The Western concept of the art gallery, which was exported to the former colonies, is inverted, exposing a series of historically silenced narratives. Thus, “Migrant Art Gallery” responds to accessibility, diversity and sustainability within an institutional framework and inserts contemporary contexts in relation to racism, migration or extractivism. The protagonists are the migrants, both human and not.

Our represented artists in Phaidon’s “Latin American Artists: From 1785 to Now”

We are proud to announce the participation of Fernando Bryce, Sandra Gamarra, Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Andrés Pereira Paz, Rita Ponce de León and Oscar Santillán in Phaidon publication “308 Latinamerican Artists from 1785 to now”.

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